be ready for anything

peak for your next hyrox race

Get race ready with the MARCHON Hyrox program. A 5 day training week, encompassing both strength and Hyrox specific conditioning work necessary to excel on competition day.


After trial, min 3 month commitment

increase strength and running efficiency

Gain confidence with hyrox specific skills

Get the structure to help you progress

Support from coaches and the community

join the winners circle

The MARCHON team has produced countless podiums, including winning the Hyrox world champs.

Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice
Better is a choice


The MARCHON Hyrox program is a 5 day training week, encompassing both strength and Hyrox specific conditioning work necessary to excel on competition day.

After the world championships the program will continue to support athletes in the qualifying phases for next season and beyond.

Stay accountable with weekly updates from your coach and the number one functional fitness community.

is the hyrox program for me?

You’ve been competing or looking to compete in Hyrox races and want to increase your performance in all areas — strength, speed and running efficiency.

You're struggling to balance both running and strength specific sessions.

You want to incorporate strength and develop the technical skills needed for Hyrox, such as wall balls, sled pushes and erg techniques.

You’re results-driven and want to enhance overall performance — from building capacity to reaching world-champs.

You want structured, progressive programming that keeps you motivated and accountable.


A world-class training experience that delivers results

Once you see progress you ain't stopping. Enough said.

Gage the plug

Best out there.
The time, effort and detail put into this is amazing. There is nothing else out there like this.

Don't wait to get on it.


Best programming around.
I've been using Marchon programming for 3-4 months now and I couldn't recommend them enough. Simple and easy to follow yet very in depth about how they want you to do things.

Sam moorcrofr

Wouldn't expect anything less than the best.
An unreal app to follow top drawer programming by quality coaches.


Having young children at homes makes using a gym regularly very difficult, this app is brilliant, I feel like I was back with a PT in a gym. I finally feel part of a gym community and motivated again.

katnis dickens

the best fitness programme and app out there!
Everything about Marchon is absolutely brilliant. The programming, progress, coaches, and communities are top notch. 100% recommend to anyone.

Gage the plug

ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything
ready for anything


Is this program suitable for beginners?

The program is suitable for any athlete, whether you're an everyday gym goer or have years of lifting experience.

What equipment do I need access to?

A commercial or functional fitness gym works best.

Can I join any time?

Yes! You can join a training block any time. If you have any questions, just ask a coach in the app.

How is the program delivered?

Once you've started a trial, download the MARCHON app and select the Hyrox program. All of your workouts, coach videos, and tracking will be there!

Do I get access to all programs?

Yes! Once you've started a trial or subscribed to an All-Access plan you'll get access to all six programs (Gain, Train, Perform, Women's, Compete, Compete+), plus add-ons like Hyrox, Gymnastics, ATHX, and more.

Can I try a program before I commit?

We offer a free trial when you start so you can try out all of our programs before you commit. During this trial you can speak directly with out coaches to find the right program to meet your goals.

Are there coaches to support me?

MARCHON coaches are always available in the MARCHON training app to answer any of your questions. You can find more information, tips, and answers on our Instagram page.